
91% of companies are hiring workers with ChatGPT experience

Employees and management that don't use AI, will be replaced by those who do

Companies want workers with ChatGPT skills to explore AI and stay ahead of the competition. It's essential to invest time and effort into getting to know AI and improving your skills.

A basic understanding of AI simply won't cut it. To impress, you'll need to be constantly pushing yourself to come up with creative and original ideas; think outside of the box and inside of brand strategy and data safety. 

Designers, content producers, and management aren't going to be replaced by AI. But those who don't use AI will be replaced by those who do.


Why it matters

You better prepare. As a company and as an employee, from management to the working bees.


Some stats

No need to explain why companies are hiring ChatGPT skilled workers. According to research by ResumeBuilder.com, 31% of business leaders are looking for ChatGPT-savvy hires in Marketing, 58% in software engineering, 33% in customer service, and 32% in HR. 

In terms of the level of roles, companies need people with ChatGPT experience; 50% of business leaders say for entry-level, 39% for mid-level, 43% for management-level, and 43% for executive-level roles.

In April, ResumeBuilder.com surveyed 1,187 business leaders and found 92% are currently hiring, and of those who are currently hiring, 91% want workers with ChatGPT experience.

Small side note, the research is based on an N of 1,187 respondents, and the data is a bit focused on software engineers. As mentioned above, there are also ChatGPT-savvy skilled asked and needed in Marketing (and content). Please check the Resumebuilder.com research before jumping to conclusions. And treat the outcome accordingly; it's a signal. Not a worldwide representative of all markets applicable conclusion.  


hiring chatgpt workers research


Company and management

Make sure you get insights on what’s happing with AI. Zoom out; how can you use this? And even more important, get the regulations in place. Inform your staff on how to use AI related to business confidentially and data security.

Your staff needs to be aware that they just can’t upload the meeting notes and ask ChatGPT to make a summary. Or enter the brand strategy and insights to get ChatGPT to create a business plan. 

Some information better not be uploaded to AI and has to stay secure within the organization.

Also, tap into ethics, compliance, and copyright. And don’t forget to validate ChatGPTs output. Use your common sense.

Staying up to date on what’s happing and framing it in the strategy is the responsibility of management. They are the ones to give guidance to the employees on how to play and fool around with ChatGPT safely.



Rock it! Use ChatGPT and AI to test and learn. Iterate. Challenge it. Challenge yourself. Dive into the rabbit hole. 

How can you use ChatGPT and AI in your daily work? What is the boring stuff you can hand over to AI, and what do you need to do yourself?

You are not going to be replaced by ChatGPT. However, if you don’t learn how to use AI, you will be replaced by those who do.


What this means for you (and me); how to prepare

You better jump on board the AI bandwagon; however, don’t go overboard. 

Make sure you play it safe, and no internal business-critical confidential information is uploaded to AI in any form. 

Always validate; trustworthiness, and the data used goes up till 2021.

Don’t panic or freak out; learn how to work with it. 

Get to know the advantages and the disadvantages. It's up to you to place using AI for your business and brand in a bigger picture.

And notice that strategy becomes more important than ever to keep your competitive edge and advantage. This goes for brands and employees.


Final thoughts

I’m learning to work with ChatGPT. More importantly, I learn how to use it to go from the default average ChatGPT output, to good, to great.

  • The brand voice, the distinctiveness is more important than ever. How to stay authentic with AI-generated content?
  • And foremost, keep your customers central in all your communications to add value to them. How not to trap in the pitfall to produce more content with AI, but to produce better content with AI?

If you want to know more, drop me a DM for a chat about AI and the exciting future.


Fleur Willemijn van Beinum

Employees and management that don't use AI, will be replaced by those who do. The basic stuff won't do; think outside of the box and inside of brand strategy and data safety. 

Fleur Willemijn van Beinum