
Attention makes everything more beautiful

Content is all about less with more


Great content can be pretty easy and very fast. Often it's made too complicated and overengineered with expensive agencies. On top of that, it takes forever. That's what I see with my clients. 

If you want to save money, de-dust, and simplify your content, check out my easy-does-it tips and tricks. 


Why it matters

I totally get the C-suite that is hesitant to invest heavily in content, from strategy to production. It's difficult to measure, and it can be crazy expensive. Usually, it's trapped in the marketing department. At the same time, the content needs of corporate communications, PR, PA, HR, and Customer Care more often than not, exceed the marketing content needs. 

In this awkward interview with myself,  a few of my lessons learned. What are my unusual tips and tricks to create content that makes an impact? 


Key takeaways for content with impact

  • Less with more attention
  • It's yours for the taking, up for grabs
  • don't b******t, simplify and be distinctive

Below you find the more expensive explanation and some details on how to do this yourself.  If you want to know more, please drop me a message.


#1: Content is all about less with more

It's all about doing less with more eye for details. You really don't need as much content as you think you do. Great content is not about pucking out as much content as you can; it's about making an impact. All you need is a few amazing pieces and being smart for social distribution and re-using it. 

Attention makes everything more beautiful – and creates magic.

A few things to make this applicable 

  • Switch perspectives. Don't start with what you want to tell, which are usually the product features. Start with the perspective of your buyers. What is the problem your product solves? What's their struggle, and how is your product the answer? 
  • Human touch. You should not automate social posting. Meaning: don't auto-post, and do pay attention to the caption. The magic in (social) content is the combination between the visual and the copy. People notice it when you spend time and have an eye for detail. 


#2: Content is yours for the taking

All you need to do is to have an open mind. Dare to switch perspectives, zoom in on details, step away from the corporate b******t bingo and really pay attention to the product you're selling and creating content for. 

How to do this

  • Again: switch perspectives. What's your buyers' struggle or problem, and how will your product solve that? Write a list of all their problems and use that list as your starting point. 
  • Use data. If you're stuck, get your Google Analytics and discover the top 10 most visited pages on your www. Or your most engaging social posts. What can you learn from those? If you're still stuck, go to Google Search and do a ‘reverse search’. You can do this professionally with an agency, or a very quick DIY is to look for the second or third keyword Google suggests if you enter your product as a keyword.


#3: Content without b******t

First of all, write in the same way you talk. Use human and natural language. Please stay away from the jargon and expensive words. You don't need it to make your point. Even worse, if you do use it, your content becomes too difficult to read, let alone to be understood. And besides, you'll look like a marketing prick, stupid and over the top. 

Rule of thumb, try to write for your 5yo girl next door, including a pink bicycle and piggy tails; if you can explain your product and how it solves her problem, then you can explain it to everyone. 

Yet, be distinctive. Make sure you stick to your brand voice, stand up and speak out for who you are and why you do what you do. Without falling into the trap of the corporate blah blah and becoming invisible due to not being outspoken. If you want to be noticed, make sure you'll get noticed. And that's not by doing what everyone else is doing. 

Last but not least, do your final-final check in-situ. Meaning: check your content on mobile, as most content is consumed on mobile. Don't write your copy or your social post on a laptop without checking it on the small mobile screen. From experience, the real work starts as soon as I start editing the content for mobile display. Pretend you are the receiver of the content; would you read it, and would you click on it? And if you do both, how is the end-to-end process from reading to completing the CTA?



Long story short, content really isn't that difficult. Often it's overengineered and made too complicated. By which content loses its power.  My lessons learned, unusual tips, and tricks to create content that makes an impact. 

  • Less with more attention
  • It's yours for the taking, up for grabs
  • don't b******t, simplify and be distinctive

If you want to know more, please drop me a message.


Book or podcast

I always end an interview with a book or podcast recommendation. Those who know me personally know I eat books and podcasts for breakfast. Hence…. my list is big and extensive. Check out ‘Reading is candy for the mind’


‘Unreasonable Hospitality’ by Will Guidara

For now, beginning of 2023, my current number one recommendation is ‘Unreasonable Hospitality’ by Will Guidara.  A gem of a book. ‘It’s about how you make people feel' not only applies to the hospitality industry. Also very relevant for brands, marketers, agencies, and employers. A very nice read or listen, with great insights. 

Such as the 95-5 rule. 95% frugal and splurge insanely on the 5% in the details that matter and create an unforgettable experience.