
Don't pretend to be what you are not

Stay true to who you are

'Do you do your interviews in Dutch or in English' a friend asked diplomatically. For a very short moment, I felt a bit offended with an obnoxious fixed mindset. Yes. I am Dutch. And you do notice in my writing that I am not a native. Not any AI in Grammarly, DeepL, Google Translate nor Hemmingway can disguise my origin. Nitpick and for sure you find errors, a few bugs, and some mistakes. 

And to be honest, whilst my growth mindset takes over, I am proud of all my flaws in syntaxis, spelling, flow or grammar. I am not going to pretend someone I am not. I am not aiming to be perfect. First of all, perfection is super boring. If there is nothing to improve or new to learn, you cannot make any progress and you stop growing. Second, perfection is the enemy of progress. Don't wait to be perfect or ideal and avoid procrastination. Keep moving, keep growing. 

In my writing, it is about the content. About sharing the knowledge. You get the point, all my flaws included. Enjoy the read.