
'Epic content marketing tips' by Joe Pulizzi

Stealing with pride from one of the best content marketing books ever written

Joe Pulizzi's thoughts and rules for the success of content. Why reinvent what is already written with excellence? Copy-paste quoted his three statements and four benefits of content. He speaks about 'content marketing', I kindly suggest applying this to all your content efforts. Including Public Relations, Corporate Communications, Customer Care, Human Relations and Talent Recruitment, and Internal Communications. 


3 Statements on content marketing

The three most relevant ways to ‘Take the Media World by Storm’ from Joe Pulizzi

’Make mobile your top channel strategy’.

Stated by Pulizzi in 2012, nowadays even more true. The numbers of mobile usages speak for themselves. Unfortunately, I still encounter not-mobile optimized websites or even emails send out by big brands and institutes that are not humanly readable on a mobile phone.

‘Develop professional editorial practices.

Many brands today are leveraging employees and outside influencers as part of their content marketing programs. While I believe this is good, I see a gaping void in the editorial area. Simply put, brands are not investing enough in editorial and proofreading as part of their processes.’

‘Make the reader your number one priority.

(…) As a brand (…), commit your stories to one epic concept - what’s in it for them, your readers (that is, your customers). This is your critical advantage (over media companies), where you can and should focus all your attention.’


Joe Pulizzi
Make mobile your top channel strategy
Joe Pulizzi

A little note on mobile-first content

It sounds like a no-brainer. Yet, still in 2020, I am receiving emails from big brands, international companies, that are not mobile proof. One of the possible reasons could be traditional CRM systems, lack of overview of all emails by the brand and every now and then one little desktop bastard email slip through. 

How to fix it? Just check your customer journey with its entire email flow. Including the purchase confirmations, the exceptions, the escalations or emergency communications. Be precise, be strict. No exceptions. Go mobile or go home. 


4 Benefits of content marketing

‘The four hidden benefits to content marketing’ by Joe Chernov, Vice President, Content Marketing, Kinvey (and 2012 Content Marketeer of the Year)

Content can give you a recruiting edge.

In a competitive industry, recruiting top-caliber talent is a priority of the highest order. (…) Recruiting top talent is one of only three priorities for every CEO. Yet despite the importance of recruiting, it would be easy to overlook the impact an engaging content marketing can have on this business-critical priority.

Content can help boost company morale

Back when I worked at a PR firm, I recall challenging a client who wanted us to help his company secure coverage in a publication that didn’t necessarily influence its buyers. When I pushed back on the priority, the CEO told me, ‘The article isn’t for our customers. It’s for our staff. The place lights up when we get covered in the press… and I know a lot of our workers read this magazine; I’ve never forgotten that lesson, and content marketing can accomplish this very same goal.

Content opens up lines of communication

Remarkable content doesn’t just get customers an prospects talking: it also gets your internal clients buzzing. It gives colleagues something to share with one another, something to debate, or something to challenge. It opens doors, rings phones, and makes heads gopher over cubicle walls. It also provides you with an opportunity to recruit advocates and participants.

Content fosters trust

In a recent Fast Company article, marketing leader Don Peppers convincingly argues that the key to competitive advances is ‘being proactively trustworthy’. ‘Creating content that is so valuable that people would pay for it, yet you give it away for free, is a reliable way to earn the public’s trust’. This is precisely why the value transfer in content marketing should be from institution to individual, which is an upside-down model for traditional marketers. In other words, when trust is the goal, companies should strive to ‘sell by not selling’.

Source: Epic Content Marketing (page 37-39), (page 45, 46) by Joe Pulizzi


Joe Pulizzi
Make the reader your number one priority
Joe Pulizzi