
How to get much more reach by posting your content asynchronously

Spread your content over the days and expand your reach and lifetime

The easiest and cheapest trick to get much more reach for the same content is to spread it out. Don't put all your eggs in one basket and post your content on all channels on the same day. You'll get more reach and expand your content's lifetime as well. Win-win. 

I'm talking about your content planning over multiple days, weeks, or even months. This is not about the best time of the day to trick the algorithm.  

Nobody gives a f*ck if you (re) post yesterday's or last week's post; first of all they don't remember, and secondly, as long as it’s relevant, it’s relevant. 


Why it matters

This matters because you don’t always need more content, nor do you need to post simultaneously on all socials by all participants.

Divide and conquer to get more reach with the same content by asynchronous posting over multiple days on multiple channels.

  • How I plan
  • How a CrossFit gym can plan
  • Rules of thumb
  • Read more about content planning and ownership


Explained by example

Please keep in mind that this strategy is mostly applicable to help and hub content. Not for the sexy big bang hero content, as mostly the purpose is to make as much noise as possible and be super-loud, overtaking all timelines.  


My planning, different strokes for different folks

I spread all my content over the seven days and don’t want to post daily. My channels: newsroom, LinkedIn newsletter, LinkedIn timeline, Instagram story, Instagram Feed. If I post a-synchronous, I reach more people over a longer time spent.

Notice that my planning is not set in stone; I move along with timings, sentiment, and relevance. And maybe most important, my own mood.

  •  Newsroom thinklikeapublisher.com: whenever my content is ready, there’s no notification going out. However, I always sleep a night on it. I take the time to review my content with a fresh and rested mind, and always make some last improvements before I publish on LinkedIn.
  • LinkedIn Newsletter: two or three times a week. I tested and retested between Sunday morning, Monday at the end of the morning, Tuesday, Wednesday around lunch, Thursday mid-morning, and Fridays. Rarely do I post on Saturday. Best days: Tuesday and Thursday. If I feel funky and productive and want to post three times, I opt for Friday mid-morning or Sunday early morning.  Also, I tested posting at odd times; this doesn’t work for obvious reasons. For me, the best time to post is between 9 to 11 am, so you have it just before your lunch break. 
  • LinkedIn timeline newsletter content: I’m obliged to create a post to be able to publish my newsletter article. No post is not publishing. This post has an absolutely shameful low reach, usually around a few hundred.  With my number of followers and newsletter subscribers, I’m baffled about this reach. People do react and interact; that rate actually is very high. So, I’m puzzled about how this works.
  • LinkedIn timeline regular content: when I stumble upon content worth sharing as a regular post, I always keep the 18h and the 3x interaction with others rules in mind – and adjust my planning on the go.
  • Instagram story: mostly within 24 h after sending out the LinkedIn newsletter.
  • Instagram feed: mostly two days after the feed.
  • Twitter: doubting this channel for my reach and audiences…


weekly content planning


I just don’t want to bombard all my followers with the same thing. I like to keep things fresh. 

How to keep track
I abuse Canva for the planning of the channels. By creating the social assets in projects, I can see the latest post I made for LinkedIn, Instagram story, and feed. It’s no rocket science, just discipline and being consequent. If I create the assets, I publish.

For the nerdy observants: on one day, I can post three different content pieces over different socials. This works for me. At least, that’s what I see in the statistics.


Local SME CrossFit box

My CrossFit box is very active on social. The owners, the coaches, and the athletes. They are on all main channels; for this example, I’ll focus on Instagram.

Sundays, we have an amazing strength workout to learn how to use all the hidden power in your core to push your limits and lift heavier than you ever imagine. The coach is amazing, Mel. During her workouts, other coaches create content, photos, short videos, and the usual stuff.

After the workout, still on Sunday end of the day or Monday, my timeline literally over-floods with the same content. They all use the same assets, sometimes a (re)post, other times a different caption. The visual image stays the same.

  • Mel: IG story, IG feed
  • CrossFit box: IG story, IG feed
  • Other coaches (2 or 3): IG story, IG feed
  • Athletes: reposting, also 3 to 5

While it’s super that so many people are eager to share the amazing stuff, it’s a bit overwhelming. Yes, it’s up to me that I follow everyone. However, if you spread it out a bit, you can reach more people with the same content over multiple days.


Rule of thumb

  1. No need to push the content on the same day on IG story and feed. It’s perfect to push the video in the story on Sunday and the pictures in the feed on Tuesday or even Thursday.
  2. No simultaneous posting by the box and the coaches. I get it that both are eager to share, yet, if the box posts in the afternoon, the coach can post the day after. Double the reach. No need to be that short on the ball all the time. Perfectly fine to post content one or two days after the training.
  3. As the content is not time bound, perfectly fine to (re)post the same content after a few weeks. Just make sure enough time has passed that most people forgot about seeing the content before. If you re-edit or wrap differently, nobody cares, and everybody still will be stoked.


Final words

As said, a little old-school wisdom goes a long way. Don't fire all your guns. 

Spread it out and reach more.